Friday, April 11, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Could Feature Graphene Technology: New Material and Bendable Technology will be Groundbreaking

Samsung may have just struck gold with a new graphene technology. According to reports, the Korean tech giant has found a way to synthesize graphene.  The material offers unusual strength and flexibility despite its ultra-thin form. As Samsung explores the use and production of graphene, it appears the company is one step closer to introducing it commercially.
The bets are on for Apple and Samsung. Apple made headlines when it acquired GT Advanced Technologies to produce sapphire materials for its upcoming iPhone 6. Sapphire material ranks second to diamond in terms of durability. The inclusion of sapphire material to Apple's iPhone 6 promises a new take on smartphone screens. It has also generated enough attention over the device. 
Samsung has been working its way to catching up. Graphene is a material that offers an ultra thin form without sacrificing flexibility and strength. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, it can be considered as an ideal material for wearable devices. Samsung has already produced a range of devices featuring bendable or curved displays. The company has even released a series of smartphones, smartwatches and widescreen televisions on it. Samsung executives claim the previous releases offer a peak into what the company wants to do in the future. 
Wall Street Journal reported that graphene remains the thinnest material known. It can also process heat and electricity well. The Academic Journal Science published the results of the experiment in its April 4 issue. According to findings, Samsung's new method allows single graphene crystals to keep its mechanical and electrical properties against a larger area. Previously, manufacturers can only create graphene large enough through a combination of separate graphene crystals. This disrupts the electrical conducting abilities of the material. 
Samsung believes graphene will play an important role in the company's increasing focus to bendable, wearable and next-generation devices. 
"The main issue has been how to grow single-crystal graphene on a larger scale, and this is the first demonstration of that," Sung-yool Choi, director of the Graphene Research Center at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology explained. 
"We can expect high electrical performance compared to other work," Mr Choi added.

1 comment:

  1. the article was informative but when was the S6 is coming, and one more thing your content color and background color combination is not easy to read. You should take any action reagarding this.
