Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 with 21:9 Aspect Ratio Spotted? Samsung Secures New Patent for Upcoming Phone

Samsung appears to be playing catch-up to Apple, as the company continues to make headlines for its patents. According to recent reports, it is possible the Korean tech giant could be brewing another phone. This phone's design could feature a display offering 21:9 aspect ratio. Can this be the next Samsung Galaxy S6? What has Samsung got in store for its next flagship phone? 

Samsung has a reputation for producing some of the biggest-screened smartphones around. It offers a wide range of handsets combining tablets and mobile phones. Despite multitude of phablets and big-screened phones, it appears the tech giant wants more. According to a recent patent sighting, Samsung is building a phone with display sporting 21:9 aspect ratio. 
That is the ratio or design framework often found on widescreen TVs. Analysts think that if Samsung will push through with the design, then the phone will be marketed for media or video consumption. It can be hard to sell the device as an everyday device to people, as the display will be too wide and long for anyone to use it comfortably. However, that is limited to what was described in the patent. Samsung may figure out a way to incorporate the technology into a different design factor. 
The 21:9 aspect ratio technology has been offered by a mobile device before. The LG BL40 New Chocolate featured the design in 2009. However, LG Chocolate's popularity did not trickle down to the technology. It was not well received in the market. 
Similar to previous patent sightings, a patent grant does not necessarily mean it will show up on the actual product. Nonetheless, grants can also be a good basis for upcoming features. People have to wait for Samsung's official confirmation on this. Analysts also believe that Samsung still has time to change the design into a tablet format. 
Analysts also think it will make sense for Samsung to release a more-than-6-inch phablet. The company has better chances of finding the technology in stores and in consumer hands if it will market the system in a phablet. For now, Samsung has yet to make final announcements about the technology.

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