Friday, April 18, 2014

Samsung says Galaxy Note 4 will launch with a new form factor, could it look like this?

galaxy-note 4-concept-2014
Concept image based on recently filed Samsung patent
The Samsung Galaxy S5 didn’t do much to change the Korean manufacturer’s current design language. Launching last week across the globe, we saw the same plastic build quality (we aren’t knocking it), soft touch leathery finish on the back (similar to Note devices), and chrome siding that could be seen as a throw back to the original Samsung Galaxy S. Holding the phone side by side with previous iterations, and you’d be hard pressed to tell the difference.
But we’ve noticed that when Samsung does get around to changing the design for their devices, they don’t do it with their flagships, but rather with their Galaxy Note line which launches later in the year. Maybe that’s why we’re excited about the prospect of something “different” for the Galaxy Note 4, and what it could mean for future Galaxy devices down the road.
In an interview with Reuters, Yoon Han-kil,  senior vice president of Samsung’s product strategy team, talks about the company’s plans for this year. After mentioning that Samsung will be launching their first Tizen-based smartphone towards the end of Q2, he even divulged a little info on their plans for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Concerned with a “slowing high-end market,” it appears as if Samsung will look towards a new design for the next Galaxy Note iteration, this in an effort to help drive sales. According to Yoon, the next Galaxy Note will launch with a “new form factor,” though remained mum on exact details. He went on to say:
“Our ultimate goal is to make products that consumers really aspire to have. This is how we are trying to find a breakthrough in the stagnant premium market.”
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 patent
I guess the only question now is exactly what Samsung could be planning with the Galaxy Note 4. We’ve already seen the OEM experiment with their flexible OLED display technology with the Samsung Galaxy Taco Round. It’s entirely possible Samsung could be experimenting with implementing that into the Galaxy Note 4, in fact, we’ve already seen one possible idea Samsung has been experimenting with in a recently uncovered patent filing.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 patent
The patent shows a device that’s flat, but features curved display edges, wrapping around the sides of the device. It’s very modern looking, and unlike anything we’ve seen from Samsung in the past (and that’s a good thing). If this is what we can look forward to in the Galaxy Note 4 (or even looking ahead to the Samsung Galaxy S6), would any of you consider going #TeamSamsung for your next Android?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 Edges Out HTC One M8 in SquareTrade’s Breakability Test

The smartphones that release these days are generally slim and sexy pieces of kit, but unfortunately, we usually end up paying for those eye-pleasing aesthetics through fragility. Smartphones can’t exactly be considered the most durable devices on the block, after all. SquareTrade, a company that offers insurance plans on devices like smartphones and tablets, has rated the “breakability” of the Samsung Galaxy S5 as it relates to two other prominent Android smartphones – the HTC One M8 and the Nexus 5.
The results for the Galaxy S5 are encouraging. SquareTrade rates the breakability of a device on a 1-10 scale, with lower numbers being better. The Galaxy S5 slightly edged out the One M8, with the S5 taking home a score of 6 to the M8′s 6.5. The Nexus 5 posted a score of 7 in its own test, which means the S5 had the upper hand on Google’s latest flagship as well. Just the same, the Galaxy S4 had a breakability score of 7, so Samsung seems to be improving durability between iterations of its most popular device.
However, all three of those big Android devices ended up losing out to the iPhone 5S, which scored a 5.5 in SquareTrade’s breakability test. Though we all love Android for one reason or another, it would appear that manufacturers have some catching up to do in terms of durability. As you can see from SquareTrade’s infographic (click the thumbnail below to see the full-sized image), the Galaxy S5 can boast a “low risk” rating for the front and back panels, water resistance, and the drop test. It’s weight gives it a “medium risk” rating in that department, while its overall size, performance in the slide test, and “gripability” all land in realm of “high risk.” With those results in mind, you don’t necessarily need to panic if you drop your Galaxy S5, but if you do something like slide it across pavement, then it’s time to worry.
All in all, it’s encouraging to see that the Galaxy S5 offers a durability improvement over its predecessor and other high-profile Android devices, but that score of 6 could definitely be improved when we make the jump to the Galaxy S6 next year. Have any of you early Galaxy S5 adopters experienced any problems with durability, or do you think your phone will survive some close encounters? Head down to the comments section to let us know.

Samsung Galaxy S6 panel design offers ideas

It’s often the case that just days after the release of a major new device we start to see rumors and speculation about the next version. Now one of our favourite concept designers has turned his attention to the Samsung Galaxy S6 with a panel design showing what could be offered, just as we’re getting used to the Galaxy S5.
Designer Jermaine Smit has come up with many impressive concepts including one for the  Galaxy Note 4, and the image shown here depicts his idea for the front panel of the Galaxy S6. What you can’t see from this design is Smit’s notion of a concealed solar panel for the device.
The design of the panel shows the handset would have a more rectangular styling and it still features the Home button with finger scanner. There are also JBL front speakers at the top and bottom, 3D sensors and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. A 5.1-inch display is also detailed.
You may also be interested in another recent Galaxy S6 creation that features a flexible design. What are your thoughts on this early stage concept for the Samsung Galaxy S6 from Smit?
Samsung Galaxy S5 panel design offers ideas

How Do Overseas Media Outlets Respond to Galaxy S5? -

The Samsung Galaxy S5.

Samsung Electronics introduced the Galaxy S5 worldwide on April 11. After its launch, Samsung’s new flagship smartphone has scored high marks in function, but has met with a mixed response from foreign news outlets and IT news sites in design. The market, on the other hand, is showing a warm response. 
The Korean tech giant announced on April 13 that the sale of the Galaxy S5 in 125 markets around the world, including the US, the UK, and France, is showing a positive trend. 
Samsung reportedly sold nearly 120,000 Galaxy S5 units in Korea from its launch on March 27 to April 11. The figure is similar to the early sales volume of its predecessor, the Galaxy 4. 
Meanwhile, overseas media outlets and IT news sites have been showing different responses to the new product. 
In a “Your Friday Briefing” article posted on its website on April 11, the New York Times said, “How many gizmos can one phone have?” adding, “The Samsung Galaxy S5 has a fingerprint scanner, a 16-megapixel camera and a personal fitness tracker that can measure not only your steps but also your heart rate. The highly anticipated phone is released around the world today.”
The Wall Street Journal, on the other hand, reported that the new smartphone is excellent in dust and water resistant functions, screen, and Ultra Power Saving Mode. However, its heart rate sensor works well only if it doesn’t move. Its camera was said to perform poorly especially in low light. The newspaper also pointed out, “The plastic phone lacks the stylishness and luxury feel of the new all-metal HTC One (M8).”
The Telegraph said, “The launch of its latest, the new S5, comes just 11 months after the S4, and that in large part explains why there is not that much that is new. The S4 was an excellent device and the S5 comes with the expectation that it will be better. But in reality meaningful innovation takes longer than that.”
TechRadar wrote, “The Samsung Galaxy S5 can be defined by one word: evolution. However, it doesn’t look like a cutting edge smartphone. Overall, the design of the Samsung Galaxy S5 is likely to be the area that receives the most criticism, and for good reason. It doesn’t command a premium feel in the hand like so many other high-end phones on the market. It’s lighter and probably more hard-wearing, but this is the biggest pain point for Samsung and it’s one that it needs to improve with the Galaxy S6.”

Samsung Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6: Battle Of Apple And Samsung As Next Generation Flagship Phones Compete For Speed And Reported 20MP Camera

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 6: The iPhone 6 may not yet have been released yet but rumors about the next generation iPhone that is expected for a release this June.
With an expected larger screen and a reportedly giant retina with IGZO display, a new state of the art next generation iPhone will surely be expected this year.
According to Business Insider, the new phone will have a major improvement on a minute change on the home button seen in the 5s as opposed to what have seen in the iPhone 5 as they were quoted saying, "new form factor with no home button. Gesture control is also possibly included"
As a trend being seen in the improvement of iPhones throughout the year, the improvement in speed and size is expected. A larger 5.7-inch almost borderless phone can be expected as the company tries to improve the usability of the phone for the users to maximize the space and maximize the resolution of the display that would surely blow the minds of the Apple phone users.
The body of the phone looks to improve every time Apple upgrades its phone and so with the iPhone 7 concept, a much sturdier aluminum body and a longer battery life can be expected.
Also likely to be seen on the future flagship model phone may include an 8-megapixel camera that has been reported that Apple has been improving every year. A huge improvement of the camera and the sensors will surely give the phone the most powerful it has ever been.
In relation to its toughest competitor - Samsung - a trend has been spotted with regards to the cameras. Starting with the Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 which has a 13-megapixel camera, the S5 has been rumored to come up with a 16-megapixel camera and then the new S6 was reported and speculated by experts to have a larger 20-megapixel camera.
"After the 16-megapixel product, the 20-megapixel product will become the general trend," a source told

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 panel design offers ideas

It’s often the case that just days after the release of a major new device we start to see rumors and speculation about the next version. Now one of our favourite concept designers has turned his attention to the Samsung Galaxy S6 with a panel design showing what could be offered, just as we’re getting used to the Galaxy S5.
Designer Jermaine Smit has come up with many impressive concepts including one for the Galaxy Note 4, and the image shown here depicts his idea for the front panel of the Galaxy S6. What you can’t see from this design is Smit’s notion of a concealed solar panel for the device.
The design of the panel shows the handset would have a more rectangular styling and it still features the Home button with finger scanner. There are also JBL front speakers at the top and bottom, 3D sensors and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. A 5.1-inch display is also detailed.
You may also be interested in another recent Galaxy S6 creation that features a flexible design. What are your thoughts on this early stage concept for the Samsung Galaxy S6 from Smit?
Source: Concept Phones
Samsung Galaxy S5 panel design offers ideas

Friday, April 11, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 hands on review: feature-rich with a brilliant display

Before I even touched the Galaxy S5, which was lassoed to a glowing table at a fancy Samsung launch event, I came in with diminished expectations. I wasn’t a fan of the Galaxy S4, yet I loved the S3 and S2. Samsung has embraced plastic and eschewed the full metal look, which the HTC One so beautifully rocks. It’s also almost identical to the S4 in terms of hardware and design (have a gander for yourself). So do I love, or even like the S5 and more so, will you?
It all depends on what you want from a phone. If you require the latest smartphone crammed with every feature possible minus the fireworks display button (most likely coming in the S6), then you’ll be happy with the S5. For those looking for a future-proof phone crammed with extras they may or may not use a few months down the line, then the S5 may not be for you. It has possibly the best screen I’ve ever seen, great sound and a slick revamp of Android KitKat, but it’s just another addition to the S-series and if you own the S4, there’s little reason to upgrade this year. But for the Samsung die-hard fans, this is the most feature-packed Galaxy S yet. And here’s why:
Samsung’s gone out of its way to cram as many useful features as possible into a 5.1″ display. The 1920×1080 screen is incredible to look at and exceptionally smooth to navigate. Content looks the part on the display, everything is crisp, images look life-like and high-def video was seemingly made for this SuperAMOLED stunner. For it’s part though, it looks like the same display as the S4′s, which is still one of the best in the smartphone business. If you want a phone with a great screen, the S5′s perfect for you.
One of the more controversial aspects of the S5 is the new dimpled rear which I found quite fetching. My favourite colour? Copper-Gold. Shiny plastic is out, scuff-free rubber is in. It feels great to hold, but the dimples didn’t really do anything for me. I say controversial, because it doesn’t add to the desirable aspects of the S5. It doesn’t make me want to purchase it based on looks alone, something Apple is now expertly versed in. There’s a thick band of metal around the sides, with volume, home and a power key as the only physical buttons.
There’s one feature of the S5 which impressed, namely the Ultra Power Saving mode. When activated, the S5 goes drops into a black and white display (see above), only allowing calls, texts and web browsing. On 10% battery, Ultra Power Saving mode can extend the battery life by 12-hours. This alone is an innovation I look forward to seeing in every new smartphone from now on.
The home button is an interesting addition this time round, chiefly because it’s a fingerprint reader now. Not the best one, but it’s there if you need it. Unlocking the S5 is unlike the iPhone 5s, because you have to hold the phone in two hands to unlock it, and only with a downward swipe. On the iPhone 5s, I’d hold my finger over the silver circle from any angle and the phone would unlock.
On the S5, it’s hold the phone in one hand, unlock with the other. There’s the option of adding passwords and PayPal payments with the fingerprint reader, but I didn’t have additional time to test this. I’m sure it works though. But after locking and unlocking the S5 many times, I can tell that the fingerprint reader is going to become a novelty, and not sadly a necessity as it is with the 5s.
The S5 comes standard with Android 4.4 or KitKat but hot damn, has it been dumbed down. There’s no other way to say it. The S5′s homescreen looks almost exactly the same as the S3 and S4 homescreen, but dig a bit deeper and you’ll find a UI that’s a little too basic for its own good.
Of course, Samsung has to appeal to the millions of casual users who’re going to purchase their first smartphone, but for dedicated Samsung fans, the new look is going to disappoint. Those expecting a brilliant new overhaul will instead find a UI inspired by Disney. It’s all bright colours, shiny effects and cutesy corners. Remember Toon Town from ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ This is a phone Mickey Mouse would be at home with.
But for R10 200 (or US$650), this is no phone for kids. The S5 is one of the most expensive phones on the market, but that’s the trend with Samsung, as the S4 cost the same in 2013.
What I didn’t have much time to play around with was the speed of the phone because firstly, these were demo models without internet access and secondly, what games were loaded onto the S5 (Cut the Rope 2), weren’t exactly taxing the CPU or memory.
Once I’ve spent more time with the S5, I’ll be able to accurately gauge its speed. My guess though is that the S5 will perform well for all games, as d uring the short me ith the device, it rarely lagged and opened apps in split-seconds. This includes the 16MP camera, which took images with n o hardware delay, even the new and improved HDR mode snapped images as quickly as any other camera. Also, there’s slow-mo but it’s nowhere near as good as the iPhone 5s’ attempt.
Overall, the S5 is a capable smartphone, stuffed to the brims with extras and designed to fit in with our digital lives. When paired with the Gear 2 smartwatch or Gear Fit fitness band, your entire life can be streamlined the Samsung way.
If that’s what you want, Samsung offers it. But the S5 is an expensive upgrade, and adding either accessory puts the price into the fairly to extremely ridiculous category. I haven’t spent enough time with the S5 to make a judgement call, but my snap decision is to weigh your options carefully before purchasing this, especially when phones such as the Xperia Z2, iPhone 5s and HTC One (M8) coming in at the same price.

Samsung Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6 – Rumors, Specs and Features

Galaxy S5 has been recently released and the smartphone market is rife with rumors about Galaxy S6 that might be released in 2015.
iPhone fans are also eagerly waiting for announcement of iPhone 6, an expected successor to popular iPhone 5 series. You can find many websites listing possible specifications of iPhone 6 and Galaxy S6. Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics have not made any announcements about these devices. However, smartphone experts have already started comparing these two devices that might be available in near future.
Which Device Will Have a Better Display?
Apple is likely to continue with Retina display but with some improvements. The display fitted in iPhone 6 will be a Retina plus IGZO display. IGZO stands for Indium gallium zinc oxide. IGZO technology is a hot topic in smartphone market as it enables smartphone manufacturers to make devices thinner and the display also consumes less power. iPhone 6 will have a larger screen measuring 4.7 inches or 5.7 inches. The resolution of 4.7 inch Retina display will be 1600-by-900 pixels that translate into pixel density of 386 pixels-per-inch on the screen. The resolution of 5.5 inches Retina display will be 1920-by-1080 that translates into a pixel density of 401 pixels-per-inch on the screen. If rumors are to be believed, Samsung is also testing various types of displays such as 2K and 4K displays. 4K display technology is still under development and experts believe 4K displays will have resolution equivalent to 4096-by-2160 pixels. There are reports of Samsung developing large foldable displays. If this is true, Galaxy S6 might have a foldable display. The world has not seen the Retina plus IGZO display or the 4K displays that Samsung is developing. Hence, it is very hard to say which device will have a better display.
Will iPhone 6 Have a Better Processor than A7?
A7 is a 64-bit processor and iPhone 5 was the first to have it. Many tech magazines have reported Samsung is also developing a 64-bit processor based on ARM architecture. Tech magazines also report that Apple is keen to use a powerful processor in its future devices. The company is known to work on development of A8 processor which will be smaller in size, consume less power and also faster than its predecessor, A7. iPhone 6 may not have a discrete motion processor as A8 is expected to have a graphics chip as well.
Which Device Will Have a Better Camera?
If the rumor mill is to be believed, Galaxy S6 will have a 55 megapixel camera. Though, it is very hard to believe, some tech websites have made a speculation of Galaxy S6 having a higher megapixel camera as S5 is equipped with 16 megapixel camera. iPhone 6 may continue with 8 megapixel camera or introduce a 10 megapixel camera with f/1.8 aperture. Apple may provide optical image stabilization feature in iPhone 6. Many websites also report, iPhone 6 might have a new camera known as refocus-able light field camera. The exciting feature of this camera is it allows people to refocus their shots after taking a picture.

Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Could Feature Graphene Technology: New Material and Bendable Technology will be Groundbreaking

Samsung may have just struck gold with a new graphene technology. According to reports, the Korean tech giant has found a way to synthesize graphene.  The material offers unusual strength and flexibility despite its ultra-thin form. As Samsung explores the use and production of graphene, it appears the company is one step closer to introducing it commercially.
The bets are on for Apple and Samsung. Apple made headlines when it acquired GT Advanced Technologies to produce sapphire materials for its upcoming iPhone 6. Sapphire material ranks second to diamond in terms of durability. The inclusion of sapphire material to Apple's iPhone 6 promises a new take on smartphone screens. It has also generated enough attention over the device. 
Samsung has been working its way to catching up. Graphene is a material that offers an ultra thin form without sacrificing flexibility and strength. According to a report by the Wall Street Journal, it can be considered as an ideal material for wearable devices. Samsung has already produced a range of devices featuring bendable or curved displays. The company has even released a series of smartphones, smartwatches and widescreen televisions on it. Samsung executives claim the previous releases offer a peak into what the company wants to do in the future. 
Wall Street Journal reported that graphene remains the thinnest material known. It can also process heat and electricity well. The Academic Journal Science published the results of the experiment in its April 4 issue. According to findings, Samsung's new method allows single graphene crystals to keep its mechanical and electrical properties against a larger area. Previously, manufacturers can only create graphene large enough through a combination of separate graphene crystals. This disrupts the electrical conducting abilities of the material. 
Samsung believes graphene will play an important role in the company's increasing focus to bendable, wearable and next-generation devices. 
"The main issue has been how to grow single-crystal graphene on a larger scale, and this is the first demonstration of that," Sung-yool Choi, director of the Graphene Research Center at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology explained. 
"We can expect high electrical performance compared to other work," Mr Choi added.

Samsung Galaxy S6: Recent Rumors And Market Expectations :Samsung is speculated to launch the Galaxy Note 4 in September this year, and the Galaxy S6 in 2015

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:005930) is still rolling out its recently announced Galaxy S5 in international markets. But rumors have started doing the rounds about the next-gen Galaxy S6. After alukewarm response to the S5, Samsung needs to up its game to maintain its market domination. Let’s have a look at recent rumors surrounding the Galaxy S6, and what users actually want to see in the smartphone.
Samsung Galaxy S6

Galaxy S6 with graphene

Graphene is a planar sheet of carbon. It’s just one atom thick, with the atoms arranged in a honeycomb-shaped lattice. One big issue with graphene has been making it large enough to use in smartphones. But Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:005930)’s Advanced Institute of Technology has  n   successfully resolved that issue. The Korean company has made it possible to increase the area of graphene. Rumors have started making the rounds that it could be used in the Galaxy S6.

A better body

The Galaxy S series has been a massive hit. But it clearly lacks the premium feel. Users have been crying out for a new design for quite some time. But the Korean company hasn’t listened yet. Users want the Galaxy S6 to have a metal chassis and premium feel.

Galaxy S6 with 2K display

1080p is not enticing anymore. We have already heard that Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:005930) is working on 2K and even 4K displays for smartphones. TechRadar says that anything less than a 2K display in the Galaxy S6 will be a big disappointment.

A 64-bit processor

The iPhone 5S already has it. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:00593i0) may have avoided bringing a 64-bit processor for fear of being tagged a copycat yet again. In any case, a 64-bit chip doesn’t have many real advantages yet. But 64 is definitely bigger than 32, so it creates a perception that it must be better. Some users expect the company to add more RAM to the Galaxy S6 because 2GB isn’t enough to meet the demands of multitasking users.

A bigger battery

Battery has been a big drawback in Android smartphones. You have access to all the data, music videos and other stuff, but only for a few hours. Most users expect bigger batteries, faster wireless charging and better power management. A concept design created by Mesut G Designs shows that the Galaxy S6 will have a 3,300 or 3,500 mAh battery, compared to 2,800mAh in the Galaxy S5.

Better stereo speakers

The dual front-facing speakers in the HTC One give an amazing listening experience. And Sony Corporation (NYSE:SNE) (TYO:6758)’s Xperia Z2 has dual speakers too. But the Galaxy S5 has just one speaker. While the Galaxy S series display is big enough to watch movies, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (LON:BC94) (KRX:005930) needs to improve the sound quality.

Galaxy S6: Incredible Battery and Power Boosts Possible from Qualcomm

The Samsung Galaxy S5 release is just days away and a new announcement points to an insanely powerful and battery friendly Samsung Galaxy S6 in 2015.
Thanks to the long lead time for producing and testing the powerhouse found in the best smartphones we get a look at the possible features that could show up in the Galaxy S5 and other top smartphones that will arrive n ext year.
Even though the Galaxy Note 4 release is likely six months away, this new tech will only be ready for Samsung to sample in the second half of 2014, and won’t be ready for a real world release until early 2015. That puts it right on track with Samsung’s annual spring Galaxy S release cycle, which will be up to a Galaxy S6 in 2015 if the naming convention sticks.
A Samsung Galaxy S6 could use the Snapdragon 800 processor to deliver impressive features.
A Samsung Galaxy S6 could use the Snapdragon 800 processor to deliver impressive features.
Samsung and Qualcomm are long time partners for the U.S. versions of the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note smartphones, and it is very likely that the two companies will continue to work together to deliver more efficient and faster smartphones through 2014 and into 2015. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 powers the Galaxy S5 that arrives this week.
Qualcomm does not mention the Samsung Galaxy S6 or Samsung by name, but the history suggests this could be the powerhouse of a Samsung Galaxy S6 and t he key to next-level features. Here’s a look at what the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor is capable of. Like Apple’s A7 processor in the iPhone 5s, this is a 64-bit processor.
  • Faster Performance – Faster chip plus support for same RAM that can deliver “lightning quick” iPhone performance.
  • Better Graphics - 30% faster graphics performance
  • Higher Resolution Mobile Displays - 2560×1600 resolution compared to 1920 x 1080 on Galaxy S5.
  • Better Battery Life – “exceptionally low power consumption that does not sacrifice performance.”
  • 4K video Capture – Support 4K video at 30fps and 1080P at 60fps
  • 55MP Cameras – Support for higher megapixel cameras. The Galaxy S5 ships with a 16MP camera.
  • Display on External 4k Display – use an HDMi cable to play back 4K on a external device.
This isn’t a Galaxy S6 spec list, but it is as close as we’ll get to learning about potential Galaxy S6 features at this point. Some of these features are specs we first heard rumored for the Galaxy S5.
Samsung and Qualcomm have a long history of working together on Galaxy S and Galaxy Note phones.
Samsung and Qualcomm have a long history of working together on Galaxy S and Galaxy Note phones.
For several months rumors pointed to a Galaxy S5 with a 64-bit processor and support for a higher resolution display. Some rumors suggest Samsung is already working on a Galaxy S5 device with a 2560 x 1440 resolution display that could be a Galaxy S5 primeedition, but it is using a Snapdragon 805 processor and Adreno 420 GPU.
Current Galaxy Note 4 rumors point to a higher resolution screen, in this range, but don’t expect to see it arrive with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor on board.
There is not much known about the Galaxy S6  at this time, but a report from January 2014 suggests Samsung is working on a large foldable display which might arrive in a 2015 Galaxy S or Galaxy Note product.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 vs iPhone 6: Future Flagship Models Of Samsung And Apple Boast Bigger And Sturdier Phone; Possible 20 MP Camera?

Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 6: The iPhone 6 may not yet have been released yet but rumors about the next generation iPhone that is expected for a release this June.
With an expected larger screen and a reportedly giant retina with IGZO display, a new state of the art next generation iPhone will surely be expected this year.
According to Business Insider, the new phone will have a major improvement on a minute change on the home button seen in the 5s as opposed to what have seen in the iPhone 5 as they were quoted saying, "new form factor with no home button. Gesture control is also possibly included"
As a trend being seen in the improvement of iPhones throughout the year, the improvement in speed and size is expected. A larger 5.7-inch almost borderless phone can be expected as the company tries to improve the usability of the phone for the users to maximize the space and maximize the resolution of the display that would surely blow the minds of the Apple phone users.
The body of the phone looks to improve every time Apple upgrades its phone and so with the iPhone 7 concept, a much sturdier aluminum body and a longer battery life can be expected.
Also likely to be seen on the future flagship model phone may include an 8-megapixel camera that has been reported that Apple has been improving every year. A huge improvement of the camera and the sensors will surely give the phone the most powerful it has ever been.
In relation to its toughest competitor - Samsung - a trend has been spotted with regards to the cameras. Starting with the Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 which has a 13-megapixel camera, the S5 has been rumored to come up with a 16-megapixel camera and then the new S6 was reported and speculated by experts to have a larger 20-megapixel camera.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6 – An Upcoming Unique Phone with Ultra-tech Features

The concepts of different smart phones that are introduced lately are changing over time. With time more features are added to the existing phones and their succeeding versions. After the introduction of Samsung Galaxy S5, the brand new S6 is in news.
Samsung Galaxy S6 concept has been introduced which holds several new and advanced features. While the final layout is not provided by the telecommunication giant, anticipations have already made their ways into the tech-market.
The OS version of the lately introduced smart phone from Samsung, Galaxy S5 is Android Jelly Bean 4.4.2. The newer version smart phone is believed to operate on Android Version 4.5 or more. This brand version is something which gives the users every possible way to remain updated with high-end applications.
The aluminum rubberized plastic body of the phone is a new changeover from the regular smart phone types. The edges of the phone might also be very less rounded at the corners. While after the launch of Galaxy S5, the roundness of the edges has been reduced; the newer version of Samsung Galaxy range is believed to have more sharp edges.
The phone will have a thickness of 7.2 mm which will be one of the sleekest phones on the earth. With an average weight of 120 grams and display screen measuring 5.5 inches, the phone will suit any occasion for the feel of a phablet. The additional IPS LCD panel is believed to make the display more crisp and crystal clear.
The external memory of the Galaxy S6 might be set up to 128 GB. The 4 GB RAM might also be introduced. By far no other frontier smart phone company has incorporated such huge RAM memory. The internal memory has more than 90% chances to be kept to 64GB.
Now coming over to the camera section, the phone will definitely have one primary and a secondary camera. The primary camera might have a resolution of 21 megapixels; the secondary camera might come with a variation from 4-7 megapixels resolution. The experience of video calls will be fantastic with such high resolution. Additionally it might also support IRIS scanning for locking and unlocking phone.
A battery of 4000mAh power will be made available which will allow the phone to be kept in talk-time mode for more than 36 hours in a single go. The phone is believed to have various advanced features. However the phone is believed to be released in the beginning of 2015.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Rumors: Future Flagship Phone To Boast More Powerful System And Bigger Camera? New Android Phone To Run On Tizen OS?

Samsung Galaxy S6 Rumors: In a recent interview with vice president in charge of Android and Chrome at Google, Sundar Pichai in the recently held Mobile World Congress, he confirms not the specs of the future flagship phone of Samsung yet but confirms that the phone would still run on an Android OS.
With the emergence of the South Korean OS, Tizen, and even breaking through some gadgets of Samsung including the new Gear 2, Android confirms that fans of the Samsung flagship phone series will surely still impress its fans with the same look of the Android OS but will surely exceed expectations for more upgrades and advancements on the new phone.
Taken from regarding Sundar Pichai
"Finally, he was questioned about Samsung. According to him, the collaboration with Samsung is " most boring she looks ". We must understand that there is no real tension between the two actors, " who always work as ". The Gear 2 watches under Tizen? "(...) it is a product among hundreds of others, but I'd rather it uses Android ". Finally Pichai is sure: " the next Galaxy S6 run Android ". It is of course the persistent rumors about the abandonment of Android by Samsung, which prefer equip its flagship Tizen, the next Korean OS."
With regards to the specs of the phone, rumors spread around that the future Samsung Galaxy S6 concept may find a sturdier and more advanced looking body with a reportedly aluminum body and a much clearer and bigger screen.
Also, talks about the future flagship model phone may include a 20-megapixel camera that has been reported that Samsung is working on this kind of technology to be added to their models along with all new kinds of sensors for the phone. This is with regards to the Samsung Galaxy S5 that boasts a 16-MP camera with a new advancement with the fingerprint scanner.
"After the 16-megapixel product, the 20-megapixel product will become the general trend," a source told
It may not have been confirmed and it is just rumors that circles the web regarding the phone's specs but who would know? This technology is not far from happening with what people see with today's smartphone releases.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S6: what we want to see

It's never too early to speculate wildly about the next smartphone in Samsung's Galaxy S series. The Galaxy S5was definitely a step up from the S4, but we can't shake the feeling that everyone's favourite South Korean manufacturer (sorry LG) is resting on its laurels.
Come on Samsung, market domination should be about more than outspending your rivals on advertising, get back in the game and kick it up a gear!
We don't have to strain our grey matter too much to dream up a wish list of improvements we'd like to see in the Galaxy S6, given the relatively muted response the current S5 met, so if you're reading this Samsung, please take note...

A better body

It would be fair to say that the dimpled back panel on the S5 wasn't universally well received. Everyone has been crying out for a new design in the Galaxy S series for a while now, but Samsung isn't listening.
An S6 with a metal unibody and a premium feel would be a potential crowd pleaser. If a redesign is on the cards, why not take it further and go for a new form factor? A new premium profile could refresh the range and make it feel special again.
SAmsung Galaxy S6

A 2K display

No one is impressed by 1080p anymore, not when 4K TVs are in the shops and we've already heard that Samsung's working on 2K and 4K displays for smartphones. We wouldn't have been surprised to see a 2560x1440 pixel resolution on the S5, but it seems QHD displays are not ready for prime time just yet.
Anything less than a 2K display in the S6 will be a crushing disappointment. We're sick of all these fat pixels. Make them invisible to the naked eye - and make sure it doesn't hurt the battery while you're at it, Samsung.
Hey, we're not here to solve these issues - that's for your fancy R&D labs.

A 64-bit processor

Perhaps the lack of a 64-bit processor in the S5 was an acknowledgement that there aren't many advantages yet, or maybe it was a statement about not copying Apple.
In any case, regardless of benefits perceived and real, 64 is a bigger number than 32 so it must be better, and if our friend's iPhone has one, if you don't put one in the S6 we're not buying it.
While you're there, for heaven's sake add more RAM – 2GB is not enough to satisfy the modern day demands of multi-tasking, especially if you're going for a 64-bit chip.

A flexible design

Remember that Sky advert where the guy folds his phone out to tablet size? That would be a real slice of fried gold and we've heard Samsung has a folding prototype already. Failing that, a squidgy, bendy phone that can take all sorts of damage and return to its original shape unblemished would be nice.
Squeezy controls could bring a fresh tactile element to smartphone ownership. At the very least we expect flexibility to deliver greater durability and new potential shapes, but it has got to be better than the Samsung Galaxy Round.
Bendy screen
A bendy screen is a prime candidate for abuse

A bigger battery

We can hold the sum total of humanity's achievements in one hand, accessing all of our scientific knowledge, and our greatest works of art, but only for a few hours at a time. Why are mobile phone batteries still so crap?
We need bigger batteries, more efficient power management, and faster wireless charging. The 2,800mAh battery in the S5 might be a slight step up from its predecessor, but it has an extra 0.1 of an inch of screen to power. You're treading water, Samsung. Free us from the daily charge.

An end to bloatware

No one wants a Samsung-branded app that does exactly the same thing as an existing Google app, only worse. We also expect a device listed as 16GB to have more than 10GB free. The days where Android was rough and ready and Touchwiz really added value are gone.
Stock Android is smooth and delicious, KitKat needs no embellishment. It's time to tone it down a little. By all means stick S Health on there as an optional extra, but please let us uninstall the S apps we don't want and ditch the superfluous doubles.

A decent pair of stereo speakers

Sadly there's just one speaker on the S5. We don't want to have to wear headphones or hook up speakers all the time. It's a mobile device. The HTC One clearly demonstrated the benefits of dual front-facing speakers. Sony heard it, because the Z2 has them too.
Screens are big enough to watch movies with friends now. How about bringing that sound quality up to scratch? A good set of stereo speakers in the S6 would be welcomed by everyone.

A DAB chip

Wi-Fi isn't always available and mobile data can be costly, so streaming tunes from the cloud or internet radio can be tricky and prohibitively expensive. FM radio seems to be rapidly disappearing from mobile devices and the quality is pretty patchy anyway.
Isn't it about time digital radio made it into smartphones? Access to high quality stations without the fiddling or the network connection would open up a world of music, sport, and talk. DAB chips are coming to smartphonesand we'd love to see one in the Galaxy S6.

Always listening

The Moto X was a mixed bag, but it's undeniably cool to be able to talk to your phone and have it blink to life. Google continues to improve Now and add more functionality. If the Galaxy S6 was always listening, we'd get more value out of it.
Voice recognition is improving fast. Given that our smartphones are starting to connect to wearables, home electronics, and cars, the ability to issue voice commands brings us a step closer to the futuristic utopia we've all been dreaming about.
Google Now
We want more functionality and we want it NOW

A new UX

We already suggested that Touchwiz is no longer adding much value to stock Android, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. A radical rethink of the stagnant UX could wash away childish fonts and pointless features to deliver something fresh and stylish.
Samsung must have bags of data on how we interact with our smartphones and a cursory glance at popular launchers reveals a world of possibilities. Be bold Samsung, offer us something new and exciting! As long as it isn't a candy-fuelled, garish, neon nightmare, we'll give it a try.

Galaxy S6 Specs and Features

As discussed above after the launch of Sony Xperia Z1 and iPhone 5S the sales of S4 are affected with really bad pace and still declining. However, on other side Samsung is climbing with next stair of its market the all new Galaxy Note 3 but the future is not so easy. Other manufacturers are also trying to bring the similar hardware devices and already there are few similar devices. Samsung has a name no doubt but people out there are getting intelligent and they are comparing every bit of a smartphone and most importantly the price & performance ratio. In just few days, Google will come with up the unbeatable price & performance ratio smartphone i.e. Google Nexus 5 whose price would be around just $299 and the performance would be matching the iPhone 5S criteria.
Where Samsung will stand in the future if things will go like this? Well, we have an answer. Galaxy S5 is going to be the first Android smartphone to be powered with 64-bit processor chipset. Firstly there were rumors S5 would be powered with next generation 16-core chipset Exynos 8000 series but not it seems like, S5 would be powered with true Octa-core Exynos 5430 chipset but the good news confirms the presence of Exynos 8000 series chipset in the Galaxy S6.
The performance of Samsung Galaxy S6 would be defined by its internal hardware that would be better than your present laptop in many aspects.
• Samsung Exynos 8000 16-core processor
• 128GB on-board memory
• 5.2 inches Ulta High Definition display (4K) or full HD flexible display
• 21MP (Ultra Pixel Sensor) recording at 8K resolution (ready content for your 8K resolution TV)
• 3300 to 3500 mAh battery
• Android 5.0
These specifications are damn amazing if we think about 2013 but who knows, if some other manufacturers like Sony, HTC, ZTE or LG would come up with better or similar specs in 2014 so that if Samsung will launch them, then it would be indifferent.

Galaxy S6 price

Samsung will fire the Samsung S6 with the most advanced hardware and software of the generation in the 2014 but the question is, everything would be under a good price range for a consumer? The answer is yes, however Galaxy Note 3 is one of the most costly phablet / smartphone that Samsung has ever launched and it is priced at 770 USD in most of the countries. Guess what, Galaxy S5 would also get the maximum price tag of the 750 USD in the beginning and later would be sold for pretty handsome discount and same thing would happen in the case with the Galaxy S6 price. But we are not sure because the flexible display concept could increase the cost. However the price of Galaxy S6 would be maintained in the range between 750 and 800 USD Max.

Samsung Galaxy S6 release date

There is maximum possibility that Samsung will schedule the Galaxy S6 release date in the month of August 2014 as if they are releasing Galaxy S5 in the month of January 2014. Earlier schedule was release date of S5 in 2014 March and accordingly, S6 would be launched in 2015. But competition pressure is walking with every release of Samsung and if anyone wants to survive in the market and maintain best sales then manufacturer has to come up with something best and different. So, Samsung would definitely come with two Galaxy S smartphone in 2014. So, start expecting from the next release. But the release date of Galaxy Note 4 would be earlier to S6, so we will see big brother of S6 in the market earlier.

Samsung Galaxy Concept


Galaxy S6Galaxy S series smartphones made the Samsung to achieve the first position in the market and these smartphone promised to be the most superior smartphone. No doubt at the launch of Galaxy S4 the pre order rates were surprising but slowly with the launch of different manufacturer smartphone the fire of S4 is lesser brighter now. Recently launched, iPhone 5S is one of the top most leaders in the market with its 64-bit chipset, its performance is unbeatable at this time. However, in the performance Galaxy Note 3 is also reaching to the iPhone level but still no Galaxy S smartphone exists at present which can lead. So, Samsung need something and its S series is ready to come with next fire i.e. Galaxy S5 and on other hand, guess what, Samsung is already planning Galaxy S6.

Galaxy S6 Rumors Taking Fire

After the release of Samsung Galaxy S4 the excitement towards the future generation Galaxy S smartphone were spreading like fire because Samsung hinted that they may use the flexible display for the first time in the smartphone. But since the past couple of months lots of things has been revealed for the Galaxy S5 smartphone that will carry the traditional display (not flexible) but advanced in terms of resolution, technology and efficiency. On other hand, recently Samsung commented that they are bringing Galaxy S5 smartphone in 2014 Jan. And the good news for Galaxy S6 followers is that, Samsung might bring it in the month of August or October 2014.

Samsung Galaxy S6 to include water pistol, cigarette lighter

Samsung Galaxy S6 to include water pistol, cigarette lighter
It's still over a week before you can buy a Galaxy S5, but Samsung is already hard at work the now-hotly-anticipated Galaxy S6, a powerful 5in ‘superphone’ with a wealth of built-in accessories, including a forward-facing aperture for squirting water and a headphone port that releases burning butane gas.
“The water pistol we see as purely for fun”, said Door Mcmugtable, a Digital ForeThinker who describes himself as working for Samsung in an unpaid, at-a-distance consulting role, “but the cigarette lighter is all about utility. You see, while the name might make it seem like a very specific device, a cigarette lighter isn’t just for lighting cigarettes. You could use it to start a fire in the woods, or in your home. And then I guess you could use the water pistol to put it out.”
In an increasingly crowded market filled by phones that are made from the same components, manufacturers need that extra bit of magic to make their product stand out. “It’s all about establishing identity,” says Mr Mcmugtable. “Where other phones are different colours and whatnot, the Galaxy S6 will be the only smartphone on the market that can be used to commit a water-based prank, then light up a fine Romeo y Julieta cigar immediately afterwards. This opens up two very hard-to-reach markets for us: clowns, of course, and the classy, high-end Business Smoker market - the sort of people who read Cigar Aficionado magazine.”
HTC has yet to comment on Mr McMugtable's predicition that its next flagship phone, the HTC One M9 (One), will have a speaker grille that doubles as an electric shaver.